Avon Street mj356

Avon Street mj356

In 2016, Anna Kot and Carlos Ordonez in association with Fringe Arts Bath produced an art-fed book entitled find another bath which included poems by Caroline Heaton, choral settings of some of whose works Bath Chandos Singers had already performed. The book concentrates on the city’s workers not the wealth and grandeur more readily associated with the city’s public image. Poems by Bath authors alternate with works by Bath painters, sculptors and photographers.

Malcolm Hill set Caroline’s Avon Street poem with a view to performing it in the Magdalen Chapel and having the associated picture, by Ben Hughes, on display. The first performance, given by members of Bath Chandos Singers, took place there on 8th July 2017, with the painting by Ben Hughes displayed throughout the concert. Caroline Heaton was enthusiastic about the idea, and readily gave permission for her poem Avon Street – en plein air to be set.

Each individual movement has a different set-up: so different soloists can be used between movements, even if both are labelled similarly.

Durations; Dawn 3 minutes; 10.00 a.m. 7 minutes; Mid-day 3 minutes;                    5.00 p.m. 6 minutes; Midnight 8 minutes.